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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
81 Characterization and sensitivity of Botrytis cinerea to benzimidazole and succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors fungicides, and illustration of the resistance profile أ.د.كمال أحمد محمد أبواليسر 2021
82 Combination of Bacillus amyloliqefaciens and peppermint oil for control of Fusarium wilt disease of tomato أ.د.مجدى على أحمد موسى 2021
83 Curvularia lunata as new causal pathogen of tomato early blight disease in Egypt. هبة الله شحاته عبد الفتاح مهنى 2021
84 Physiological and histopathological assessments of the susceptibility of different tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) cultivars to early blight disease. أ.د.محمد سامى محمد محمد مصطفى درويش 2021
85 Characterization and sensitivity of Botrytis cinerea to benzimidazole and succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors fungicides, and illustration of the resistance profile أ.د.نشوى محمد عاطف أحمد سلام 2021
86 Endophytic fungi associated with soybean plants and their antagonistic activity against Rhizoctonia solani, Kühn أ.د.نشوى محمد عاطف أحمد سلام 2021
87 Molecular disparities among Botrytis species involving in onion umbel blight disease and its management using Bacillus subtilis PHYS7. أ.د.محمد حسن عبدالرحيم حسن 2020
88 Rhizoctonia root-rot disease of soybean and its control أ.د.كمال أحمد محمد أبواليسر 2020
89 Biological control of fungi associated with damping-off and root rot disease of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) أ.د. عامر فايز أحمد محمود 2020
90 Plant extracts treatments induce resistance to bacterial spot on tomato plants for a sustainable system أ.د.كمال أحمد محمد أبواليسر 2020