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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
31 A comparative assessment of phenotypic and molecular diversity
in Doum (Hyphaene thebaica L.)
أ.د. محمد أحمد الملقب بالخرشى محمد يوسف 2020
32 Detailed Genetic Analysis for Identifying QTLs Associated with Drought Tolerance at Seed Germination and Seedling Stages in Barley د. أحمد محمد عاطف أحمد سلام 2020
33 Assessment of crossability between tetraploid and hexaploid wheat genotypes and evaluating their hybrids for salinity tolerance ا.د. محمد إبراهيم محمد حسن 2020
34 Genetic and biochemical variations among sugar beet cultivars resistant to Cercospora leaf spot. أ.د.بهاءالدين السيد عبدالفتاح عيسى 2020
35 Utilize of genetic diversity and marker-trait association to improve drought tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) د. أحمد محمد عاطف أحمد سلام 2020
36 Genetic diversity studies and identification of molecular and biochemical markers associated with Fusarium wilt resistance in cultivated faba bean (Vicia faba) أ.د.بهاءالدين السيد عبدالفتاح عيسى 2020
37 Investigation of heat-induced changes in the grain yield and grains metabolites, with molecular insights on the candidate genes in barley د. أحمد محمد عاطف أحمد سلام 2020
38 Assessment of crossability between tetraploid and hexaploid wheat genotypes and evaluating their hybrids for salinity tolerance. د. السيد عبدالمنصف محمد اسماعيل 2020
39 Chapter 3 G-protein-coupled Receptors in Fungi. أ.د.محمد محمود حسيب الدفراوى 2020
40 Physiological and Molecular Genetic Studies on Pectobacterium carotovorum د. أمير عفت محمد محمود الفراش 2020