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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
1251 Influence of salinity and planting depth on germination, seedling vigor and protein content of two berseem cultivars. أ.د.السيد عبدالسلام السيد محمد حسب الله 1980
1252 Combining ability and genotype x environment interaction in some wheat crosses. I- Salinity effects. أ.د.محمد عبدالمنعم المرشدى 1980
1253 Major genes affecting yield and ear diameter in maize. أ.د.محمد عبدالمنعم المرشدى 1980
1254 Effect of nitrogen fertilizer and plant population on growth yield and quality of tow soybean cultivars (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). أ.د.حسين محمد عبدالرحيم سالم الشابورى 1980
1255 Quality of cotton as related to watering regimes and planting dates. أ.د.محمد عبدالمنعم المرشدى 1980
1256 Combining ability and genotype x environment interaction in some wheat crosses. II- Sea water effects. أ.د.السيد عبدالسلام السيد محمد حسب الله 1980
1257 Flowering abscission, yield and quality of broad beans as affected by sowing date and irrigation frequency. أ.د.كامل على عبدالرحمن عثمان 1980
1258 Management studies with (Phalaris tuberosa L. var. stenopetra) in the northwestern coastal zone of Egypt. I- Growth, botanical composition, forage production and protein yield. أ.د.محمد عبدالمنعم المرشدى 1980
1259 Yield components and quality in cotton as affected by time of planting, defoliant application and irrigation frequency. أ.د.السيد محمود محمد شلبى 1980
1260 Heterosis and gene action in sesame, Sesamum indicum L. I- Earliness and some morphological characteristics. أ.د.السيد عبدالسلام السيد محمد حسب الله 1980