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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
651 Diallel analysis of earliness in Egyptian and Russian cotton varieties of Gossypium barbadense أ.د.محمد راغب محمد الحلو 1988
652 Agenetic analysis offruit characteristics and their interrelationships in the Tomato Lycopersicon esculentum will أ.د.محمد يونس حسين السيد 1988
653 Sister chromatid exchange frequency and susceptibility for neoplasia development in Xiphophorus following MNU treatment أ.د.نبيل عبدالفتاح محمد سيد أحمد 1988
654 Mutagenicity-Carcinogenicity of progesterone in Bacillus subtlus أ.د.فتحى محمد مصطفى صالح 1988
655 Effect of certain chemical mutagens on potato plants produced from tissue culture for the induction of somaclones resistant to some potato viruses أ.د.رأفت فؤاد عبده خليل 1988
656 Morphology and genetics of the tomato "hairless" mutants أ.د.تهانى حسن إسماعيل شريف 1988
657 Diallel analysis of earliness in Egyptian and Russian cotton varieties of Gossypium barbadencse أ.د.عادل سيد تغيان حسانين 1988
658 Sister chromatid exchange in spontaneous developing neoplasia in different genotypes of Xiphophorous F أ.د.نصرالدين ثابت حمدون محمد 1988
659 Diallel analysis of earliness in Egyptian and Russian cotton varieties of Gossypium barbadencse. أ.د.محمد راغب محمد الحلو 1988
660 Genetic control of stomatal frequency in early maturing barley and its association with grain yield under moisture stress أ.د.محمد يونس حسين السيد 1988