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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
101 Assessment of Relationship for Both Seedling and Maturity Traits with SSR Markers under Drought Conditions in Bread Wheat (Triticum asetivum L.) أ.د. محمد ثروت سعيد عبدالعال 2021
102 Analyses of MADS-box Genes Suggest HvMADS56 to Regulate Lateral pikelet Development in Barley محمد عبدالحاكم يونس يوسف علام 2021
103 Exploring genetic architecture for pod-related traits in soybean using image-based phenotyping أ.د. صلاح فتوح ابوالوفا يوسف 2021
104 Pedigree selection in sesame under artificial infection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sesami . أ.د. عامر فايز أحمد محمود 2021
105 Differentially Expressed Proteins Implicated in Grain Filling at Early Ripening Stage of Rice: A Proteomic Study أ.د. صلاح فتوح ابوالوفا يوسف 2021
106 Genetic Mapping Reveals Novel Exotic and Elite QTL Alleles for Salinity Tolerance in Barley. أ.د. الحسين حمادة عبدالعظيم حسن 2021
107 Identification of Candidate Genes and Genomic Regions Associated with Adult Plant Resistance to Stripe Rust in Spring Wheat أميرة مراد اسماعيل مراد 2021
108 Evaluation of Local Bread Wheat Cultivars for Grain Yield and Its Attributes at Different Sowing Dates under Assiut Conditions. أ.د. محمد عبدالعزيز عبدالحليم سيد 2021
109 Genetic Mapping Reveals Novel Exotic and Elite QTL Alleles for Salinity Tolerance in Barley أ.د. محمد ثروت سعيد عبدالعال 2021
110 Analyses of MADS-box Genes Suggest HvMADS56 to Regulate Lateral pikelet Development in Barley أ.د. محمد عبدالعزيز عبدالحليم سيد 2021