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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
601 Genetic analysis of grain yield, biomass and harvest index in wheat under drought stress and normal moisture condition. أ.د.تهانى حسن إسماعيل شريف 1993
602 Selection of salt-tolerant barley plants through culturing anther on salt stressed media أ.د.محمد راغب محمد الحلو 1993
603 Inheritance of heading date and some quantitative characters in Triticum aestivum grown under sandy calcareous and clay loam soils أ.د.عفت محمد محمود محمد الفراش 1993
604 Influence of genotype and NaC1 on the levels of growth, proteins, proline, free amino acids, viability and regulation in tomato callus cultures أ.د.عفت محمد محمود محمد الفراش 1993
605 Inheritance of earliness and yield in wheat under heat stress أ.د.تهانى حسن إسماعيل شريف 1992
606 A genetic analysis of growth and yield characters in the tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill ) under the heat stress of late summer in upper Egypt أ.د.تهانى حسن إسماعيل شريف 1992
607 influence of environment on the manifestation of complementary and duplicate gene interaction for quantitative characters in cowpea [ Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.] أ.د.تهانى حسن إسماعيل شريف 1992
608 Effects of different storage periods in both mitotic and meiotic I & II divisions of wheat grains fumigated with phosphine أ.د.رأفت فؤاد عبده خليل 1991
609 A genetic analysis of flowering characteristics in maize hybrids and its relationships with yield under drought stress أ.د.تهانى حسن إسماعيل شريف 1991
610 The water pollution at Assiut, its effects on mitotic activity and induced chromosomal aberrations in the root – tip cell of Allium cepa أ.د.رأفت فؤاد عبده خليل 1991