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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
181 Rootability and vegetative growth of Ficus cyathistipula L. cuttings as affected by different growth regulators and rooting media. أ.د.إسماعيل حسن أحمد السلامى 2004
182 Evaluation of certain potting media and NPK fertilizers for commercial production of pothos (Scindapsus aureus L.). أ.د.إسماعيل حسن أحمد السلامى 2004
183 Evaluation of various potting media and fertilizer levels for commercial nursery production of Ficus benjamina L. أ.د.محمد مصطفى جاد محمد 2003
184 Response of Ficus wildemanniana (cyathistipula) plants to ethrel application and doses of nutrient solution. أ.د.محمد مصطفى جاد محمد 2003
185 Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) Production as affected by two natural alternatives to farmyard manure. I. Growth and yield أ.د.عزة عبدالعزيز على توفيق 2003
186 Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) Production as affected by two natural alternatives to farmyard manure. II. Chemical-Assessments of sepal quality أ.د.عزة عبدالعزيز على توفيق 2003
187 Growth response of Leucaena leucocephala Lam. seedlings to soil type, organic manure and yeast. أ.د.إسماعيل حسن أحمد السلامى 2003
188 Growth response of Schefflera actinophylla, Harms plants to different planting media and paclobutrazol application أ.د.محمد مصطفى جاد محمد 2003
189 Evaluation of different planting media and nitrate to ammonium ratios for poinsettia nutritional studies. أ.د.إسماعيل حسن أحمد السلامى 2002
190 Seedling responses of some ornamental trees to soil type and NPK fertilization. أ.د.إسماعيل حسن أحمد السلامى 2002