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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
1341 Effect of cobalt chloride and/or Vitamin C on brood rearing activity of honey bee colonies د. نسرين محمد فهمى قاسم أبوغدير 1980
1342 Population studies on certain pests infesting broad bean and the associated natural enemies in the New Valley أ.د.مصطفى محمد أحمد رزق 1980
1343 Effect of cobalt chloride and/or vitamin C on brood rearing activity of honeybee colonies معيد/.عبدالمنعم ماهر على 1980
1344 Population studies on certain pests infesting broadbean and associated natural enemies in the New Valley أ.د.مصطفى محمد أحمد رزق 1980
1345 Effect of cobalt chloride and/or vitamin C on honey and wax productivity of honeybee colonies معيد/.عبدالمنعم ماهر على 1980
1346 Physiological characters of wheat plant affecting the infestation by cereal aphids, Schizaphis graminum (Rond.) and Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) أ.د.مصطفى محمد أحمد رزق 1980
1347 Effect of vitamin C and/or cobalt chloride on weight, water content and food reserves during post-embryonic development of honeybee. أ.د.محمد فهمى قاسم محمد أبوغدير 1980
1348 Effect of vitamin C and/or cobalt chloride on weight, water content and food reserves during post-empryonic development of honey bee أ.د.مصطفى حسن حسين محمد 1980
1349 Effect of vitamin C and/or cobalt chloride on weight, water content and food reserves during post-embryonic development of honeybee أ.د.محمد عمر محمد عمر 1980
1350 Effect of types of traps on the efficiency of cotton leadworm sex pheromone معيد/.عبدالمنعم ماهر على 1980