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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
421 Sister chromatid exchange as a biomarker for mutagenicity of 17 α-methyltestosterone used for sex reversal induction in Nile Tilapia أ.د.محمد يونس حسين السيد 2002
422 The role of genetic and non-genetic factors in plant regeneration from immature inflorescence of sugarcane and evaluation of regenerants أ.د.عادل سيد تغيان حسانين 2002
423 Variation in total soluble protein patterns and isozyme activities in Nile Tilapia following treatment with 17 α methyltestosterone for male sex reversal أ.د.نصرالدين ثابت حمدون محمد 2002
424 Genetic variation among four catfish species of family Bagridiae as revealed by RAPD-PCR assay أ.د.نصرالدين ثابت حمدون محمد 2002
425 Molecular genetic markers in tomato somaclones selected for drought toler د. ميرفت محمد أحمد السيد حشاد 2002
426 Molecular genetic markers in tomato somaclones selected for drought tolerance أ.د.السيد نبوى السيد حامد 2002
427 RAPD-PCR, isozymes and protein markers of Fusarium wilt resistant and high yield tomato selected somaclones. أ.د.عادل سيد تغيان حسانين 2002
428 The role of genetic and non-genetic factors in plant regeneration from immature inflorescence of sugarcane and evaluation of regenerants أ.د.حمدى محمد العارف حارس 2002
429 Variation in total soluble protein patterns and isozyme activities in Nile Tilapia following treatment with 17 α methyltestosterone for male sex reversal أ.د.محمد محمود حسيب الدفراوى 2002
430 Genetic variation among four catfish species of family Bagridiae as revealed by RAPD-PCR assay أ.د.نبيل عبدالفتاح محمد سيد أحمد 2002