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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
د. سيد شحاتة عابدين عبدالرحمن 2010
152 Antibacterial properties of essential oils and extracts of some plants of the Astrakhan region د. عصام يوسف عبدالحفيظ عبدالعاطى 2010
153 Performance of Zinnia elegans grown in different types of media amended with Filter mud cake - an industry waste- أ.د.عزة عبدالعزيز على توفيق 2010
154 Impact of Irrigation Frequencies and Weed Control, in Field Grown Tuberoses, In the Western Region of Saudi Arabia: I. Tuberose Cut Flower, Clump Growth, Economic Feasibility and Profitability Potential. أ.د.عبدالرازق إبراهيم السيد النجار 2009
155 Effects of Irrigation Frequency Regimes and Weed Control Management, on Field Grown Tuberoses (Polianthes tuberosa, L), in the Saudi Arabian Western Region: 1. Clump Growth & Development, Bulb Yield, Water Use Efficiencies and Bulb Nutrient Contents. أ.د.عبدالرازق إبراهيم السيد النجار 2009
156 Effects of Irrigation Frequency Regimes and Weed Control Management, on Field Grown Tuberoses (Polianthes tuberosa, L.), in the Saudi Arabian Western Region: 2. Bulb and Bulblet’s Yield, Growth & Development and Grade Qualities. أ.د.عبدالرازق إبراهيم السيد النجار 2009
157 Effects of Potassin -P, Certain Beneficial Rhizobacteria and K-Solubilizing Bacteria on Vegetative Growth, Cut Flower Yield, Flowering Characteristics & Qualities and NPK Contents in Leaves of Tuberose Plants (Polianthes tuberosa, L.) cv. “Double”. أ.د.عبدالرازق إبراهيم السيد النجار 2009
158 Effect of different planting distances and harvesting dates on growth and productivity of moghat (Glossostemon bruguiri, Desef) plants under Assiut Valley conditions. د. عصمت فاروق على أحمد 2009
159 The possibility of obtaining essential oils from medicinal plants: camel-thorn and sweet flag, growing in the Astrakhan region د. عصام يوسف عبدالحفيظ عبدالعاطى 2009
160 Breeding for drought resistance in common bean: In vitro assay for root osmotic potential أ.د.عزة عبدالعزيز على توفيق 2008