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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
11 ZmGI2 regulates flowering time through multiple flower development pathways in maize أ.د. صلاح فتوح ابوالوفا يوسف 2023
12 Novel genomic regions on chromosome 5B controlling wheat powdery mildew seedling resistance under Egyptian conditions د. رانيا مصطفى حمدى أحمد 2023
13 Durum Wheat Production as Affected by Soil Tillage and Fertilization Management in a Mediterranean Environment محمد عبدالحاكم يونس يوسف علام 2023
14 Impact of Phosphine Fumigation Treatments on the Vitality of Wheat Grains at Different Storage Perio أ.د. محمد ثروت سعيد عبدالعال 2023
15 Green waste-derived compost (GWC) alleviates drought stress and promotes sugar beet productivity and biofortification أ.د. صلاح فتوح ابوالوفا يوسف 2023
16 Exploring the Genetic Variation of Stripe Rust Foliar and Head Infection in Egyptian Wheat as an Effect of Climate Change أميرة مراد اسماعيل مراد 2023
17 Assistance Needed for Increasing Knowledge of HACCP Food Safety Principles for Organic Sector in Selected EU Countries محمد عبدالحاكم يونس يوسف علام 2023
18 Impact of Phosphine Fumigation Treatments on the Vitality of Wheat Grains at Different Storage Perio يوسف السعدي عبد الحميد علي 2023
19 Alleviation of Stripe Rust Disease in Wheat Seedlings Using Three Different Species of Trichoderma spp. أميرة مراد اسماعيل مراد 2023
20 A Meta-Analysis Approach to Estimate the Effect of Cover Crops on the Grain Yield of Succeeding Cereal Crops within European Cropping Systems محمد عبدالحاكم يونس يوسف علام 2023