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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
31 Combined Effects of Auxin Application and Beneficial Microorganisms
on Rooting and Growth of Ficus benjamina L. Air-layers
أ.د. سيد شحاتة عابدين عبدالرحمن 2019
32 Enhanced Indirect Organogenesis and Efficient Shoot Multiplication
of Petunia Hybrida
أ.د.عزة عبدالعزيز على توفيق 2019
33 Combined Effects of Auxin Application and Beneficial Microorganisms
on Rooting and Growth of Ficus benjamina L. Air-layers
د. عمر حسنى محمد إبراهيم 2019
34 Adverse effects of salt stress on rootability of Rosmarinus officinalis cuttings and their alleviation by indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and Bacillus subtilis. أ.د. سيد شحاتة عابدين عبدالرحمن 2019
35 Enhanced Indirect Organogenesis and Efficient Shoot Multiplication
of Petunia Hybrida
د. عمر حسنى محمد إبراهيم 2019
36 Enhancement of Growth and Steroidal Saponins Content in Fenugreek
by Foliar Application of Some Growth Promoting Substances
د. عصام يوسف عبدالحفيظ عبدالعاطى 2019
37 Improving Rooting Characteristics in Air-layers of Ficus elastica var.
decora Using Indole-3-butyric Acid (IBA) in the Presence of Bacillus
subtilis and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
أ.د. سيد شحاتة عابدين عبدالرحمن 2019
38 Enhanced Indirect Organogenesis and Efficient Shoot Multiplication
of Petunia Hybrida
منى أحمد أحمد طه 2019
39 Improving Rooting Characteristics in Air-layers of Ficus elastica var.
decora Using Indole-3-butyric Acid (IBA) in the Presence of Bacillus
subtilis and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
د. عمر حسنى محمد إبراهيم 2019
40 Decorative Pot Bougainvillea by Pruning and PP-333 Applications. أ.د.محمد مصطفى جاد محمد 2019