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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
31 Use of Trichoderma culture filtrates (CFs) as a sustainable approach to mitigate early blight disease of tomato and their influence on plant biomarkers and antioxidants production أ.د.مجدى على أحمد موسى 2023
32 Evaluation of Genetic Variability within a Collection of Cumin Genotypes Using RAPD, ISSR, SRAP and SCoT Markers and Variability of In Vitro Callus Induced Therefrom أ.د.مجدى على أحمد موسى 2023
33 Isolation of Pseudomonas syringae strains causing bacterial speck disease of tomato and marker based monitoring for their virulence أ.د.كمال أحمد محمد أبواليسر 2023
34 Evaluation of Genetic Variability within a Collection of Cumin Genotypes Using RAPD, ISSR, SRAP and SCoT Markers and Variability of In Vitro Callus Induced Therefrom د. عمر حسنى محمد إبراهيم 2023
35 Nanocelluloses-based passivated-carbon quantum dots (P-CQDs) for some Antimicrobial Applications أ.د.كمال أحمد محمد أبواليسر 2023
36 Efficacy of n-alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride and Bacillus subtilis for Control of Cercospora Leaf Spot Disease of Sugar Beet: In vitro and In vivo Studies. أ.د.كمال أحمد محمد أبواليسر 2023
37 Nanocelluloses-based passivated-carbon quantum dots (P-CQDs) for some Antimicrobial Applications د. عمر حسنى محمد إبراهيم 2023
38 Exploring the Role of Novel Biostimulators in Suppressing Oxidative Stress and Reinforcing the Antioxidant Defense Systems in Cucurbita pepo Plants Exposed to Cadmium and Lead Toxicity حماده عبدالرحيم فاروق على 2023
39 Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens IKMM and Zinc Nanoparticles as Biocontrol Candidate Induce the Systemic Resistance by Producing Antioxidants in Tomato Plants Challenged with Early Blight Pathogen أ.د.نشوى محمد عاطف أحمد سلام 2023
40 Fungicidal Effect of GuavaWood Vinegar against Colletotrichum coccodes Causing Black Dot Disease of Potatoes أ.د.كمال أحمد محمد أبواليسر 2023