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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
171 Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Analysis to determine the genetic variability among virulent and less virulent isolates of Fusarium moniliforme , Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium solani isolated from infected Cotton seedlings أ.د.حمدى محمد العارف حارس 2015
172 Phytochemical analysis and inhibitory effects of extract of young fruits of Ficus palmate on some pathogenic microbes أ.د.عبداللطيف هشام عبداللطيف 2014
173 A diallel analysis of drought tolerance indices at seedling stage in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) ا.د. محمود أبوالسعود الراوى محمد 2014
174 New Safety and Rapid Method for Extraction of Genomic DNA from Bacteria and Yeast Strains Suitable for PCR Amplifications أ.د.عبداللطيف هشام عبداللطيف 2014
175 Evaluation of drought and heat tolerance in wheat based on seedling traits and molecular analysis ا.د. محمود أبوالسعود الراوى محمد 2014
176 Application of 26S rRNA gene sequencing and RFLP of ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 analysis for the identification of kluyveromyces strain BM9 producing biofuel أ.د.عبداللطيف هشام عبداللطيف 2014
177 Gene Expression and In Vitro Selection for Salinity Tolerance in peanut. أ.د.بهاءالدين السيد عبدالفتاح عيسى 2014
178 Evaluation of drought and heat tolerance in wheat based on seedling traits and molecular analysis أ.د. محمد أحمد الملقب بالخرشى محمد يوسف 2014
179 Phylogenetic analysis of isolated Biofuel Yeasts based on 5.8S-ITS rDNA and D1/D2 26S rDNA sequences أ.د.عبداللطيف هشام عبداللطيف 2014
180 Gene Expression and In Vitro Selection for Salinity Tolerance in peanut. أ.د.عادل سيد تغيان حسانين 2014