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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
31 A predictive study of the redistribution of some bread wheat genotypes in response to climate change in Egypt. أ.د. محمد ثروت سعيد عبدالعال 2022
32 Application of Molasses as an Eco-Innovative Approach Substitutes Mineral Nitrogen Fertilization and Enhances Sugar Beet Productivity أ.د. صلاح فتوح ابوالوفا يوسف 2022
33 HvbZIP21, a novel transcription factor from wild barley confers drought tolerance by modulating ROS scavenging أ.د. صلاح فتوح ابوالوفا يوسف 2022
34 Multidimensional Relationships of Starch Digestibility with Physicochemical, Pasting and Textural Properties of 30 Rice Varieties أ.د. صلاح فتوح ابوالوفا يوسف 2022
35 A predictive study of the redistribution of some bread wheat genotypes in response to climate change in Egypt. أ.د. محمد عبدالعزيز عبدالحليم سيد 2022
36 A Predictive Study of the Redistribution of Some Bread Wheat Genotypes in Response to Climate Change in Egypt أ.د. محمد ثروت سعيد عبدالعال 2022
37 Comparison of short-duration and long-duration rice cultivars cultivated in various planting densities أ.د. صلاح فتوح ابوالوفا يوسف 2022
38 Identification of ZmNF-YC2 and its regulatory network for maize flowering time أ.د. صلاح فتوح ابوالوفا يوسف 2022
39 Genome-wide analyses of the Nodulin-like gene family in bread wheat revealed its potential roles during arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis أ.د. صلاح فتوح ابوالوفا يوسف 2022
40 Genome-wide screening of broadspectrum resistance to leaf rust (Puccinia triticina Eriks) in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) أميرة مراد اسماعيل مراد 2022