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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
611 Genetic components for seed yield in cowpea under drought-stressed and non-stressed environments أ.د.تهانى حسن إسماعيل شريف 1991
612 Genetic analysis of faba bean ( vicia faba L.) resistance to fusarium solani أ.د.محمد يونس حسين السيد 1991
613 Effects of different storage periods in both mitotic and meiotic I & II divisions of wheat grains fumigated with phosphine أ.د.رأفت فؤاد عبده خليل 1991
614 A genetic analysis of flowering characteristics in maize hybrids and its relationships with yield under drought stress أ.د.تهانى حسن إسماعيل شريف 1991
615 The water pollution at Assiut, its effects on mitotic activity and induced chromosomal aberrations in the root – tip cell of Allium cepa أ.د.رأفت فؤاد عبده خليل 1991
616 Agenetic analysis of flowing charatcteristics in maize hybrid and its relationships with yield under drought stress أ.د.محمد يونس حسين السيد 1991
617 A genetic analysis of flowering characteristics in maize hybrids and its relationships with yield under drought stress أ.د.نصرالدين ثابت حمدون محمد 1991
618 Effects of cyanine dyes analogues in breaking dormancy of potato tubers أ.د.رأفت فؤاد عبده خليل 1990
619 Effects of the repair-deficient mutant mei-9a and mei-41D5 females of Drosophila melanogaster on sex –linked recessive lethals induced by MMS and DMN in the paternal genome أ.د.رأفت فؤاد عبده خليل 1990
620 Cytological effects of Cupper sulfate on the root-tip cells of Allium cepa L. and Vicia faba L أ.د.تهانى حسن إسماعيل شريف 1989