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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
671 Diallel analysis of earliness in Egyptian and Russian cotton varieties of Gossypium barbadencse. أ.د.تهانى حسن إسماعيل شريف 1988
672 Mutagenicity-Carcinogenicity of progesterone in Bacillus subtlus أ.د.فتحى محمد مصطفى صالح 1988
673 Effect of certain chemical mutagens on potato plants produced from tissue culture for the induction of somaclones resistant to some potato viruses أ.د.رأفت فؤاد عبده خليل 1988
674 Morphology and genetics of the tomato "hairless" mutants أ.د.تهانى حسن إسماعيل شريف 1988
675 Sister chromatid exchange frequency and susceptibility for neoplasia development in Xiphophorous following MNU treatment F أ.د.نبيل عبدالفتاح محمد سيد أحمد 1988
676 Heterosis for yield and its components in crosses among Egyptian and Russian cotton varieties أ.د.تهانى حسن إسماعيل شريف 1988
677 Genotoxicity of two different antimalarial drugs through gene conversion and reversions in Saccharomyces cervisiae barley أ.د.محمد يونس حسين السيد 1988
678 A genetic analysis of yield and yield components in the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) أ.د.محمد يونس حسين السيد 1988
679 Diallel analysis of earliness in Egyptian and Russian cotton varieties of Gossypium barbadencse. أ.د.محمد يونس حسين السيد 1988
680 A Genetic Analysis of the Comparative Performance of Populations from Dry Areas and other Open- pollinated Varieties under Drought Stress أ.د.فتحى محمد مصطفى صالح 1988