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Comparative study on the composition and the hygienic quality of some locally-made and imported cheeses

مؤلف البحث
Y. H. Shahin
M. A. Fahmy
Asmaa H. Moneeb
ملخص البحث

The daily consumption of high quality foods in Egypt cre-ated a situation which is marked with increased quantities of im-ported foods as well as dairy products to cover the needs of these products. These imported cheeses, which are originated from several sources, allowed us to carry this work out in order to compare these products with the locally-made one. The sampling and analyses of this work were concentrated on products already exist in the market and ready for consumption. 70 samples of cheeses were tested in this study. 40 were lo-cally-made, while the count of the corresponding imported sam-ples was 30. An evaluation of the experi-mental products was carried out by determination of the chemical composition and the microbial counts in each experimental sample with respect to the fol-lowing main topics: 1- Evalua-tion of the investigated products according to the fulfillment of the recent Egyptian Standards and 2- Evaluation according to the hygi-enic quality of this dairy product. These two topics were taken in consideration in order to: a) compare the locally-made with the imported product and/or b) compare the locally-made market products exist under different trading names with each other. Results were as follow: 1- Evaluation according to the fulfillment of the recent Egyp-tian standards: Generally, the results of this work indicate a complete agree-ment of the chemical composi-tion of the experimental samples of Edam, Blue veined, Gouda, Cheddar and processed cheeses either locally-made or imported with the Egyptian standards (ES:1183-3/2005), (ES:1183-2/2005), (ES:1183-1/2005), (ES:1007-2/2005) and (ES:999-2/2005), in the same order. No compositional significant differ-ences were found between the two experimental groups of cheeses 2- Evaluation according to the hygienic quality: The existence of the coliform bacteria was taken as a parameter for a low hygienic quality before

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مجلة البحث
Assiut Journal of Agriculture Science
المشارك في البحث
Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University
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