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barriers to adoption of some agricultural innovations in the new valley governorate

مؤلف البحث
ahmed mohamed diab,ahmed a.ibrahim,zenat h.el-sharief andamro b.el-shrabassee
ملخص البحث

this reasearch aimsto determine rates of adoption and coninuation of some selected innovations (wheat sedsl,El-Gorma watermelon, sprinkler Irrigation System, and Sugar Beet) and to detemine perceived barriers to adoption and diffusion of these selected innovations from farmers' point of view. In order to achieve these objectives, an empirical study targeted all farmers of The Third village in Darb El-Arbaeen area, paris District, The New valley Governorate. Data were collected during January 2008 through personal interviews . Results showedthat high price of fetilises.its unavailability and high used for data processing and presentation.,and high shelling of grains were the most imporyant barriers to the adoption of wheatseds 1.barrierriers to the adoption and diffusion of sprinkler irrigation system were:more labor,more effort,time and money,losses in yields caused by transferreing pipes, demage of pipes, yype of soil is not suitable, prefer surface irrigation system

مجلة البحث
New York Science Journal
المشارك في البحث
Ahmed Mohamed Diab
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