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# Title Research Member Research Year
1061 S1 and half sib reciprocal recurrent selection in two maize production. Prof. Bahy Raghib Bakheit Alwafy 1987
1062 Expected and realized gain from S1 and S2 selections in grain sorghum, Sorghum bicolor L. Moench. Prof. Ezzat El-Sayed Soliman Mahdy 1987
1063 Relative efficiency of three selection procedures in improving yield and its components in Egyptian cotton. Prof. Ezzat El-Sayed Soliman Mahdy 1987
1064 Correlation and path-coefficient analysis in lentil. Prof. Mohamed Abdel-Moneim El-Morsidy 1987
1065 Correlation and path-analysis as affected by selection procedures in an interspecific cotton population. Prof. El-Sayed Abdel-Salam El-Sayed Mohamed Hasab Allah 1987
1066 Genetic variability in lentil ( Lens esculenta Moench). Prof. Atif Abo El-Wafa Ahmed Hefni 1987
1067 Individual plant selection in a landrace of lentil, Lens esculenta Moench. Prof. Ezzat El-Sayed Soliman Mahdy 1987
1068 Effect of maize variety, method of infection, date of planting and plant phenols and sugar content on common smut disease. Prof. Bahy Raghib Bakheit Alwafy 1987
1069 Changes in gene associations by selection procedures in an intraspecific cotton population. Prof. Ezzat El-Sayed Soliman Mahdy 1987
1070 Relative efficiency of three selection procedures in improving yield and its components in Egyptian cotton. Prof. El-Sayed Abdel-Salam El-Sayed Mohamed Hasab Allah 1987