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# Title Research Member Research Year
141 Sugar can tops silage as ruminants feedstuff: 3- Effect on lambs, growth performance, semen physical properties and blood serum Dr. Mohsen Mohamed Farghaly Abd El-Aziz Department of Animal and Poultry Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University, Mohsen Mohamed Farghaly Abd El-Aziz 2003
142 Sugar can tops silage as ruminants feedstuff: 4- lambs, carcass traits, gastrointestinal tract measurements and histopathological examination. Mohsen Mohamed Farghaly Abd El-Aziz 2003
143 Sugar cane tops silage as ruminants feedstuff: 3- Effect on lambs’ growth performance, semen physical properties and blood serum constituents. Dr. Ibrahim Abdullah Soliman Mohamed 2003
144 Growth performance and some blood parameters in lambs during fattening period as affected by feed frequencies of either ad libitum or restricted systems. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Abdullah Hussein 2002
145 Growth performance and some blood parameters in lambs during fattening period as affected by feed frequencies of either ad libitum or restricted systems. Prof. Mohamed Nasrat/ Mahmoud Abd El-Ati Khalifa 2002
146 Sugar can tops silage as ruminants feedstuff: 2- Rate of passage and rumen characteristics Mohsen Mohamed Farghaly Abd El-Aziz 2002
147 Sugar cane tops silage as ruminants feedstuff: 1- Chemical composition, silage quality and nutritive value. Dr. Ibrahim Abdullah Soliman Mohamed 2002
148 Zinc sulfate supplementation to buffaloes calves diet and its relation to digestibility, rectal temperature, growth, and some blood constituents under hot climatic conditions. Prof. Hassan Abdel-Ghany Hassan Daghash 2002
149 Effects of photoperiod and housing system on growth performance and some blood parameters during fattening period in sheep. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Abdullah Hussein 2002
150 Sugar cane tops silage as ruminants feedstuff: 2- Rate of passage and rumen characteristics. Dr. Ibrahim Abdullah Soliman Mohamed 2002