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# Title Research Member Research Year
351 Heat stress impact and genetic diversity among some bread wheat genotypes Prof. Alhosein Hamada Abd-El-Azeem Hassan 2016
352 Selection for earliness in bread wheat under normal irrigation and drought stress conditions Prof. Ezzat El-Sayed Soliman Mahdy 2015
353 response of two varieties of wheat productivity to planting methods , and weed control under Sohag. Governorate cndition. Prof. Ragab Ahmed El-Sayed Dawood 2015
354 Effect of boron concentration and spraying time on yield and quality traits of sugar beet grown in newly reclaimed soil conditions Prof. Fathy Mohamed Fathy Abdel-motagaly 2015
355 Pedigree Selection for Earliness in Sesame Prof. Ezzat El-Sayed Soliman Mahdy 2015
356 The first linkage map for a recombinant inbred line
population in cotton (Gossypium barbadense) and its use
in studies of PEG-induced dehydration tolerance
Abdel-Rahim Rabea Talat Abdel-Rahim 2015
357 Performance and Heterosis of Some Grain Sorghum Genotypes under Different Levels of Irrigation. Prof. El-Sayed Abdel-Salam El-Sayed Mohamed Hasab Allah 2015
358 Combining Ability Studies in Grain Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) under Water Stress by Using Line × Tester Analysis, Prof. Bahy Raghib Bakheit Alwafy 2015
359 Assessment of Heat Tolerance In Bread Wheat Using Some Agronomic Traits And Srap Markers Prof. Alhosein Hamada Abd-El-Azeem Hassan 2015
360 Selection for grain yield in bread wheat under normal irrigation and drought stress conditions Prof. Ezzat El-Sayed Soliman Mahdy 2015