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# Title Research Member Research Year
391 Performance and Heterosis of Some Grain Sorghum Genotypes under Different Levels of Irrigation. Prof. El-Sayed Abdel-Salam El-Sayed Mohamed Hasab Allah 2015
392 Combining Ability Studies in Grain Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) under Water Stress by Using Line × Tester Analysis, Prof. Bahy Raghib Bakheit Alwafy 2015
393 Assessment of Heat Tolerance In Bread Wheat Using Some Agronomic Traits And Srap Markers Prof. Alhosein Hamada Abd-El-Azeem Hassan 2015
394 Selection for grain yield in bread wheat under normal irrigation and drought stress conditions Prof. Ezzat El-Sayed Soliman Mahdy 2015
395 response of two varieties of wheat productivity to planting methods , and weed control under Sohag. Governorate cndition. Prof. Gamal Rageh Abdel-Rahman Al Nagar 2015
396 Response of Two Sugar Beet Cultivars to the Application level and Time of Nitrogen fertilizer Prof. Fathy Mohamed Fathy Abdel-motagaly 2015
397 Pedigree Selection for Earliness in Sesame Prof. Abdel-Azim Ahmed Ismail Soltan 2015
398 Some physiological parameters as screening tobls for drought Tolerance in bread wheat lines (Triticum aestivaml) Prof. Kamal Abdu Abdel-Ghani Khair Allah 2014
399 Breeding research on drought and frost tolerance in German winter faba beans Prof. Mohamed Badry Mohamed Ali 2014
400 Effect of NPK Fertilization Rates and Splitting on the Grain Yield and its Components of Two Sorghum Cultivars Prof. El-Sayed Mahmoud Mohamed Shalaby 2014