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# Title Research Member Research Year
591 Effect Of Different Systems Of Intensification And Fertilization On Some Wheat Cultivars Prof. Ibrahim Abdel-baki Rizk Elfar 2007
592 Grain sorghum productivity in sandy calcareous soil under modern irrigation systems using different levels of farmyard manure and mineral nitrogen fertilizer. Prof. El-Saadi Abdel-Hamid Ali Abdel-Mawla 2007
593 Effect of some agricultural practices on yield and quality of sugar beet. Prof. Kamal Abdu Abdel-Ghani Khair Allah 2007
594 Genotype-Environment Interaction and Stress susceptibility Index in Egyptian Cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.). Prof. Adel Mohamed Mahmoud Ali 2007
595 Genetic analysis of drought in Egyptian cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.). Prof. Atif Abo El-Wafa Ahmed Hefni 2007
596 Genetic analysis of drought in Egyptian cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.). Prof. Ezzat El-Sayed Soliman Mahdy 2007
597 Selection for seed cotton yield in early and late sowing dates of Egyptian cotton. Prof. Ezzat El-Sayed Soliman Mahdy 2007
598 Gene action and combining ability analysis of diallel crosses in bread wheat under moisture stress and non-stress conditions. Dr. Talaat Abdel-Fattah Ahmed Yousef 2006
599 Studies on Sugar Beet Floral Induction and Fertility I. Effect of Vernalization Duration and Day-Length Extension Prof. Adel Mostafa Hussein Abou-Salama 2006
600 Quantitative trait loci for agronomic characters in segregating Chinese Spring X T. spelta wheat population under Egypt environment. Dr. Talaat Abdel-Fattah Ahmed Yousef 2006