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Effect of irrigation intervals and potassium application methods on yield and yield components of wheat crop irrigated with surge flow.

Research Authors
Ragheb H.M.A., Ismail S.M., Gomah H.H., and Abd El kawy A.M. 2017.
Research Abstract

Field experiments were carried out for two consecutive seasons at the Experimental Station of Soil
and Water Department‚ Faculty of Agricultural‚ Assiut University, to study the effect of both irrigation
intervals and methods of potassium application on yield and yield components of wheat (Triticum aestivum
L.) beside potassium content in plant and soil. The experimental design was a split plot design with four
replications. The main plots were three irrigation intervals (15, 21 and 28 days), while the sub- plots
contained two methods of potassium application (side dressing and fertigation). Results indicated that, shorter
irrigation intervals improved yield and yield components of wheat crop. The best yield was obtained from 15
days irrigation interval followed by 21 days. Longer irrigation interval (28 days) produced the least yield and
yield components due to water stress conditions. Applying potassium with irrigation water improved yield of
wheat crop and potassium contents in grain and straw yields compared to side dressing application. Also it
increased the available potassium in soils.

Research Department
Research Journal
JKAU: Met., Env. & Arid Land Agric. Sci.,
Research Member
Research Publisher
Research Rank
Research Vol
Vol. 27 No. 1,
Research Website
Research Year
Research Pages
pp: 29 – 38.