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A GIS Based Assessment of some heavy Metal Concentrations in Milk and Rural Dairy Products in Sohag Governorate, Egypt

Research Authors
Ateteallah H. A., Mohran M. A., Abd El-Khair A. A., Abed El-Rahim A. M. and Mustafa A. A.
Research Abstract

This study was carried out to assess and map some trace elements in raw buffalo's milk and some house - made dairy products collected from some villages of Sohag. The representative villages named as Nza El-hesh, Enibes, Bnawett, Basona, Abar El-waqf, El-hwaweash, Arab El-sabha, Awlad Salem, El-mgabra and Mzata. cadmium and lead were measured in More than 180 samples of fresh raw buffalo's milk and house - made rural milk products including, Laban Rayeb, Cream, Samna, Kareish cheese and mish cheese. The spatial variability maps were generated using GIS.

Research Department
Research Journal
The 1st International Conference on Applied Agricultural Sciences and Prospective Technology
Research Member
Research Publisher
Faculty of Agriculture ,Al azhar University, Assiut Branch.
Research Rank
Research Vol
The 1st International Conference
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