If we go back to Hippocrates era "Father of medicine" it will find that he said wisdom says "Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food" and said also "To eat when you are sick, is to feed your sickness". In 2006, Functional Food Center (FFC) used similar statement "Let functional food is your medicine". The FFC defined “functional foods” as: “Natural or processed foods that contain known or unknown biologically-active compounds which provide clinically proven and documented health benefits for preventing, managing or treating the chronic diseases" [1]. The benefits of functional foods beside its basic nutritional properties have the potentiality to lower the risks of non-communicable diseases [2]. Diseases are now one of the major public health and socio-economic problems both globally and regionally, especially in poor and vulnerable populations which account for approximately 80% of deaths due to chronic diseases. Chronic diseases are not only harmful to the health, but also to the healthcare system and economy.
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Open Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences
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2 (1)
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