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The M.Sc. Thesis submitted by Mr. Mustafa Ahmed elqershy Mahmoud, Plant Pathology  -Department, entitled: "Studies on root-knot nematode disease on pomegranate orchards in Assiut governorate " .…
The Animal production Department Council will hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday 6/11/2017at 12 PM.
The Soil & water Department Council will hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday 6/11/2017 at 11 AM.
The Agricultural economics Department Council will hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday 6/11/2017 at 12 PM.
The M.Sc. Thesis submitted by Mr. Mohamed Abdel Rahim Mohamed, Soil & water -Department, entitled:   " Effect of Different Sowing Dates and Irrigation Regimes on growth Yield and water…
The Poultry production Department Council will hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday 6/11/2017at 11 AM.
The Agronomy Department Council will hold its regular monthly meeting on Sunday 5/11/2017 at 7 PM.
The Rural Sociology & Agricultural . Extension Department Council will hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday 6/11/2017 at 10 AM
Mr. Amr Salah El Din Abdel Moneim, postgraduate student at the poultry production  Department, will hold a seminar on   “Broilers Performance As Affected By Different Light And Feeding Regimens "  …
The Plant Protection Department Council will hold its regular monthly meeting Sunday 5/11/2017 at 11 AM.
The Food Science & Technology Department Council will hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday 6/11/2017at 12 PM.
The Floriculture Department Council will hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday 6/11/2017 at 11 AM.