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Variations in genetic and chemical constituents of Ziziphus spina-christi L. populations grown at various altitudinal zonation up to 2227 m height

Research Authors
Mostafa M, Hesham A, Alrumman S, Manal Q
Research Abstract

Altitudinal gradient-defined specific environmental conditions could lead to genetics and chemical variations among individuals of the same species. By using RAPD, ISSR, GC–MS and HPLC analysis, the genetic and chemical diversity of Ziziphus spina-christi plants at various altitudinal gradient namely; Abha (2227.86 m), Dala Valley (1424 m), Rakhma Valley (1000 m), Raheb Valley (505 m) and Al-Marbh (147 m) were estimated. RAPD markers revealed that the highest similarity value (40.22%) was between Raheb Valley and Al-Marbh while the lowest similarity (10.08%) was between Abha and Raheb Valley. Based on ISSR markers the highest similarity value (61.54%) was also between Raheb Valley and Al-Marbh, while the lowest similarity (26.84%) was between Abha and Rakhma Valley. GC–MS results showed the presence of various phytochemical constituents in each population. The dendrogram based on chemical compounds separated the Z. spina-christi grown at the highest elevations (Abha) from the populations in lower elevations. HPLC analysis showed that the leaves of Z. spina-christi plant contain considerable amount of vitamins including B1, B12, B2 and folic acid. In conclusion, there is a close relation between altitudinal gradients, genetic diversity and chemical constituents of the leaves of Z. spina-christi plants.

Research Department
Research Journal
Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Research Member
Research Publisher
Research Rank
Research Vol
Volume 14, Issue 2,
Research Website
Research Year
Research Pages
Pages 349–362