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Phytoremediation of Cadmium, Lead and Nickel from the Contaminated Soils by Halophyte Species

Research Authors
Mamdouh A. Eissa,
Mohamed F. Ghoneim,
Galal A. Elgharably,
Mohamed AbdElRazek
Research Abstract

Halophytes are plants that can tolerate and grow on soils having high salt concentration. These plants have been suggested to be more effective in phytoextraction of heavy metals from the contaminated soils compared to the conventional crop plants .This give an offer for a greater potential of phytoremediation research on decontamination of heavy metal polluted soils. Screen house experiment was conducted out to study the accumulation of heavy metals by three halophyte species: Atriplex amnicola, A. undulate and A. lentiformis .Significant differences were found between the studied species in heavy metals concentration (Cd, Pb and Ni) and transport from the roots to the shoots. Atriplex lentiformis could be more effective in the phytextraction of Cd from the contaminated soils.

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Research Journal
Assiut J. Agric. Sci.
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