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# Title Department Research Member Research Year
7751 Soil degradation in upper Egypt as a result of irrigation with underground water Department of Soils and Water Prof. Mohamed Fathy Ghoneim Mohamed 1984
7752 Effect of constant and variable temperatures on the development of the black cutworm, Agrotis ipison (Hufnagel) Department of Plant Protection Prof. Abdel-wahab Mohamed Ali Ismail 1984
7753 Studies on sunflower crop under some different levels of soil moisture, salinity and P fertilization in Assiut Governorate Department of Soils and Water Prof. Galal Elgharably 1984
7754 (40) Studies on the effect of human chorionic gonadotrophic hormone (HCG) on the gonads of the nile fish, Tilapia nilotica during the spring season. 1. Ovarian morpho- logy and gonosomatic index. Department of Poultry Production Prof. Hatem Yusef Mostafa El-Hamadi 1984
7755 Effect of some agriculture practices on protein yield and chemical composition of berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.). Department of Agronomy Prof. El-Sayed Mahmoud Mohamed Shalaby 1984
7756 Production of potato virus-free plants by means of callus method. Department of Plant Pathology Prof. Fikry Galal Mohammed Fahmy 1984
7757 Growth and nutrient composition of cowpea plants as affected by sulfate additions to two soils of different textures Department of Soils and Water Prof. Mohamed Ali El-Desoky Zedan 1984
7758 Physiological studies on White Roomy mulberry fruits (Morus Alba L.) as influenced by gibberellin treatments. Department of Vegetables Prof. Hamdy Mohamed Mahmoud Marzouk 1984
7759 Effect of some agriculture practices on protein yield and chemical composition of berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.). Department of Agronomy Prof. Hussein Mohamed Abdel-Rahim Salem Al ShAbo ri 1984
7760 Resistance to Erysiphe graminis f. tritici, Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici and Septoria nodorum in wild Triticum species. Department of Agronomy Prof. Mohamed Abdel-Moneim El-Morsidy 1984