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# Title Department Research Member Research Year
7791 دراسة وصفية لبعض السمات الإقتصادية المزرعية بالوادى الجديد بجمهورية مصر العربية Department of Agricultural Economics Prof. Abdel-wakeel Ibrahim Mohamed Abo Elaid 1984
7792 Micronutrient status in soils of Upper Egypt. 4- Manganese Department of Soils and Water Prof. Mohamed Fathy Ghoneim Mohamed 1984
7793 Influence of temperature on the development, fecundity and longevity of cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Department of Plant Protection Prof. Youssef Awad Darwish Younis 1984
7794 Development of the mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wied) at constant and variable temperatures Department of Plant Protection Prof. Abdel-wahab Mohamed Ali Ismail 1984
7795 Modification of knapsack sprayer to be used as a suction collecting machine (Scientific note) Department of Plant Protection Prof. Mostafa Mohamed Ahmed Rizk 1984
7796 The application of factor analysis on the determinants of job satisfaction among extension personnel in Assiut Governorate Department of Rural Sociology and Agricultural Extension Prof. Bahgat Mohamed Abdel-Maksoud Youssif 1984
7797 Effect of P and Fe applied through subsurface irrigation system on the yield and elemental composition of certain crops. a. “Soybean” Department of Soils and Water Prof. Mohamed AbdElRazek Ahmed 1984
7798 Iron nutrition of squash cultivars under two levels of applied phosphorus Department of Soils and Water Prof. Galal Elgharably 1984
7799 Inheritance of some agronomic characteristics in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). II- Yield and its components. Department of Agronomy Prof. El-Sayed Abdel-Salam El-Sayed Mohamed Hasab Allah 1984
7800 Soil degradation in upper Egypt as a result of irrigation with underground water Department of Soils and Water Prof. Mohamed Fathy Ghoneim Mohamed 1984