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# Title Department Research Member Research Year
611 Influence of Nitrogen Fertilization on Traits Related to Lodging and
Yield in Bread Wheat Genotypes
Department of Agronomy Prof. Bahy Raghib Bakheit Alwafy 2020
612 Detailed Genetic Analysis for Identifying QTLs Associated with Drought Tolerance at Seed Germination and Seedling Stages in Barley Department of Genetics Dr. Ahmed Sallam 2020
613 Heavy metal immobilization studies and enhancement in geotechnical properties of cohesive soils by eicp technique. Department of Soils and Water Prof. Adel Rabie Ahmed Usman 2020
614 Biological control of fungi associated with damping-off and root rot disease of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Department of Plant Pathology Dr. Osama Abdel-Hak Mohammad Abdalla 2020
615 Study the Response of Five Canola Cultivars to Foliar Spraying by some Antioxidants Department of Agronomy Prof. Salah Fatouh Abou-Elwafa Yousef 2020
616 Pollen Spectrum and Foraging Plants for the Red Dwarf Bee in Jordan. Department of Plant Protection Dr. Salah Hefny Rateb Hashem 2020
617 دراسة اجتماعية عن المرأة الريفية وتلوث البيئة فى ريف محافظة أسيوط Department of Rural Sociology and Agricultural Extension Dr. Randa Yussef Mohamed Sultan 2020
618 Influence of Roasting Treatments on Oil Quality Properties of Two Sesame Seed Varieties Department of Food Science and Technology Prof. Bolbol Ramadan Ramadan Ramadan 2020
619 Enhancement of low‐fat Feta cheese characteristics using probiotic bacteria Department of Dairy Science Dr. Yaser Mohamed Abdel-Aziz Mohamed 2020
620 Impact of fumigation with phosphine on viability of wheat grains stored for
six months at two levels of moisture content, in addition to description of four
new records of associated fungi and assessment of their potential for
enzymatic production
Department of Agronomy Prof. Mohamed Tharwat Said Abd-El-all 2020