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# Title Department Research Member Research Year
7541 Lipid, phospholipid and fatty acid compositional changes of fenugreek seeds (Trigonella foenum graecum L.) during boilling and germination. Department of Food Science and Technology Prof. Mohamed Kamal El-Sayed Yussef 1986
7542 Effect of roasting of chickpea (Cicer Arietinum) on gross chemical composition, amino acid composition and phenolic acids content, Department of Food Science and Technology Prof. Mohamed Najib Ahmed Elrefi 1986
7543 Genetics of carotenoids and lycopene in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) Department of Vegetables Prof. Hasan Ahmed Hussein Ahmed Abdel-Rahman 1986
7544 دراسة لبعض مؤشرات الأهمية الحالية للزراعة فى الاقتصاد القومى المصرى Department of Agricultural Economics Prof. Magdy Mahfouz Ahmed Helal 1986
7545 Fatty acid composition of milk fat globule membrane phospholipids from various species Department of Dairy Science Prof. Youssif Hasanein Mohamed Shahin 1986
7546 دراسة تحليلية للتنبؤ بحجم الفجوة القمحية وامكانية التغلب عليها Department of Agricultural Economics Prof. Abdel-wakeel Ibrahim Mohamed Abo Elaid 1986
7547 Toxicity of certain weed species extracts to Culex pipiens molestus Department of Plant Protection Prof. Sayed Ashour Ahmed Mohamed 1986
7548 Identification and fractionation of phenolic acids in milling fractions of two Egyptian wheat varieties. Department of Food Science and Technology Prof. Abdalla Saleh Abdel-Gawad Lagouda 1986
7549 Toxicity of synethetic pyrethroids to Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) Department of Plant Protection Prof. Yehya Abdel-Hamid Ibrahim Abdel-Aal 1986
7550 Interaction effect of some pesticides and bactimos on Culex pipiens molestus and Eristalis tenax Department of Plant Protection Prof. Youssef Awad Darwish Younis 1986