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# Title Department Research Member Research Year
7971 A report on Parasitoids recorded from arthropod predators inhabiting soybean fields in Alachua County, Florida, U.S.A. Department of Plant Protection Prof. Sobhy Ahmed Hasan Temerak 1983
7972 Effect of soil incubation at varied moisture and temperature on the status of soil native nutrients. 1- Phosphorus and potassium Department of Soils and Water Prof. Mohamed Fathy Ghoneim Mohamed 1983
7973 The importance of natural enemies in controlling aphids infesting certain winter crops in Upper Egypt. Proc Department of Plant Protection Prof. Mohamed Abo-elfadel Abdel-Hamid Moussa 1983
7974 Results of breeding Lucerne for resistance to II- Verticillium wilt. Department of Agronomy Prof. Bahy Raghib Bakheit Alwafy 1983
7975 Farmers’ perceptions of changing agricultural conditions and the role of extension in Minia Governorate Department of Rural Sociology and Agricultural Extension Prof. Bahgat Mohamed Abdel-Maksoud Youssif 1983
7976 دراسة تحليلية لكفاءة استخدام الموارد الإقتصادية فى مزارع إنتاج الذرة الشامية بمركز المنيا
Department of Agricultural Economics Prof. Ahmed Abdel-Hafiz Mohamed Abdel-fadil 1983
7977 (42)Effect of pre-incubation cleaning of duck eggs on their hatchability. Department of Poultry Production Prof. Mohamed Nabil Issa Mahmoud Makled 1983
7978 Toxicity and synergism in Spodopera littoralis (Boisd.) to anti-cholinesterase insecticides Department of Plant Protection Prof. Dr.Mohamed Fahmy Qasim Mohamed Abo ghader 1983
7979 دراسة تحليلية للتغيرات السعرية لبعض الحالات الحقلية بمحافظة المنيا Department of Agricultural Economics Prof. Magdy Mahfouz Ahmed Helal 1983
7980 Adult emergence and survival of the cowpea seed beetle exposed as eggs to the hormonoid Altosid Department of Plant Protection Prof. Yehya Abdel-Hamid Ibrahim Abdel-Aal 1983