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# Title Department Research Member Research Year
1181 تقدير الدوال الإنفاقية والاستهلاكية لمحصول القمح ودقيقه فى مصر Department of Agricultural Economics Prof. Abdel-wakeel Ibrahim Mohamed Abo Elaid 2018
Heterosis for seed yield and related traits in sunflower
Ezzat E. Mahdy1, Elsayed Hassaballa1, Abdeen Al-sheemy2 and Heba A. A. M. Hassan 2
Department of Agronomy Professor Dr/ Rasha Ezzat Elsaid Mahdy 2018
1183 Heterosis for seed yield and related traits in sunflower Department of Agronomy Prof. Ezzat El-Sayed Soliman Mahdy 2018
1184 Optimizing Micropropagation Protocol for Rosa hybrida cv. Eiffel Tower with Improved in vitro Rooting Ability
Department of Floriculture Dr. Essam Yosef Abdul-Hafeez Abdel-ati 2018
1185 Influence of some organic acids on availability and adsorption
of phosphorus as well as corn growth in a clay soil
Department of Soils and Water Dr. Abu El-Eyuoon Abu Zied Amin Mohamad 2018
1186 A GIS Based Assessment of some heavy Metal Concentrations in Milk and Rural Dairy Products in Sohag Governorate, Egypt
Department of Dairy Science Prof. Mohamed Attia Mohran 2018
1187 Genetic architecture of common bunt resistance in winter wheat using genome-wide association study Department of Agronomy Prof. Atif Abo El-Wafa Ahmed Hefni 2018
1188 دراسة اقتصادية لبعض العوامل الهامة المؤثرة على أسعار اللحوم الحمراء المحلية في مصر Department of Agricultural Economics Dr. Faleh AbdelNaeem Ameen Mohamed 2018
1189 Morphogenetic traits of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma for controlling certain date palms lepidopteran insect pests in the New Valley Governorate Department of Plant Protection Prof. Jaber Hasan Abo El-haggag Ibrahim 2018
1190 Evaluation of Certain Penicillium frequentans Isolates against Cercospora Leaf Spot Disease of Sugar Beet. Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control DOI: 10.118/s41938-018-0053-0 Department of Plant Pathology Prof. Kamal Ahmed Mohamed Abo-Elyousr 2018