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# Title Department Research Member Research Year
951 Improving Rooting Characteristics in Air-layers of Ficus elastica var.
decora Using Indole-3-butyric Acid (IBA) in the Presence of Bacillus
subtilis and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
Department of Floriculture Dr. Omer Hosni Mohamed Ibrahim 2019
952 Influence of Adding Mucilage as a Fat Replacer on the Characteristics of Yoghurt Department of Dairy Science Prof. Adel Ali Tammam Ayoub 2019
953 Evaluate the Chemical and Microbiological Quality of Manufactured Laban Rayeb Department of Dairy Science Hanan Ali Ahmed 2019
954 Growth and biochemical changes in quail bush (Atriplex lentiformis
(Torr.) S.Wats) under Cd stress
Department of Soils and Water Dr. Mamdouh A. Eissa 2019
955 التحليل المالى لمراكب الصيد الآلية العاملة فى المصايد الطبيعية بجنوب البحر الأحمر Department of Agricultural Economics Prof. Talaat Hafez Ismail Abdel-Rahman 2019
956 Combining Ability of Physiological and Yield Traits of Bread Wheat Diallel Crosses under Timely and Late Sowing Dates Department of Agronomy Prof. Mohamed Badry Mohamed Ali 2019
957 Enhanced Indirect Organogenesis and Efficient Shoot Multiplication
of Petunia Hybrida
Department of Floriculture Mona ahmed ahmed taha 2019
958 Potential activities of Bacillus simplex as biocontrol agent against root rot of Nigella sativa caused by Fusarium camptoceras. Department of Plant Pathology Prof. Aida Mohamed Ibrahim El-Zawahiri 2019
959 Heavy metals concentrations in bee products collected from contaminated and non-contaminated areas from Upper Egypt Governorates Department of Plant Protection Prof. Mohamed Omar Mohamed Omar 2019
960 Optimization of Dietary Zinc Requirement for Broiler Breeder Hens of Chinese Yellow-Feathered Chicken Department of Poultry Production Prof. Dr. KHALED ABOUELEZZ FOUAD MOHAMMED 2019