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# Title Department Research Member Research Year
1311 Effect of Pre- and Post-harvest Treatments on Quality and Storability
of "Manfalouty" Pomegranates under Room Temperature
تأثير معاملات ما قبل وبعد الحصاد علي جودة وقابلية ثمار الرمان المنفلوطي للتخزين تحت
درجة حرارة الغرفة
Department of Pomology Dr. Alaa Abdel-Gaber Badawi Masood 2018
1312 Effect of Different Heat Treatment on the Characteristics of Ras Cheese during Ripening Department of Dairy Science Prof. Adel Ali Tammam Ayoub 2018
1313 المستوى المعرفي والتنفيذي لزراع القمح بمحافظة الوادي الجديد في مجال زراعة وإنتاج محصول القمح Department of Rural Sociology and Agricultural Extension Prof. Samia Abdel-samee Hilal Abdel-Wahid Soliman hilal 2018
1314 Synergistic action of glyphosate on novel pesticides against Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes under laboratory conditions. Department of Plant Protection Prof.Dr. Ibrahim Abdel-Wahab Mohamed Mahmoud 2018
1315 EFFECT OF IRRIGATION INTERVALS AND GENOTYPES ON GROWTH AND YIELD OF EGGPLANT (Solanum melongena L.).I- VEGETATIVE GROWTH Department of Vegetables Prof. Dalia Mahmoud Tantawy Mohamed Nassef 2018
1316 دراسة تحليلية للتغيرات فى المرونة الإنفاقية للأنماط الاستهلاكية للغذاء فى حضر وريف مصر Department of Agricultural Economics Dr. Faleh AbdelNaeem Ameen Mohamed 2018
1317 Use of Sewage Sludge Treated with some Stabilizers in Reducing
Nickel Availability in the Soil and Absorption by Plants.
Department of Soils and Water Professor - Ahmed Elgharably 2018
1318 Phenotypic and Molecular Alterations of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. ʿCara ʾ as Affected by Benzyl Adenine and Propagation Cycle In Vitro Department of Genetics Prof. Bahaa El-Din El-Sayed Abdel-Fattah Issa 2018
1319 Induction of defense mechanisms involved in disease resistance of onion blight disease caused by Botrytis allii. Department of Plant Pathology Prof. Kamal Ahmed Mohamed Abo-Elyousr 2018
1320 Gene action and combining ability of cellular thermotolerance in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Department of Genetics Mohamed Fathy Omran Elshazly 2018