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# Title Department Research Member Research Year
1641 Efficiency and side effects of three neonicotinoid insecticides used as faba bean seed treatments for controlling cowpea aphid Department of Plant Protection Prof. Gamal Abdel-Latif Mohamed Abdu-Allah 2017
1642 Application of flashed lighting program in naked neck chickens (Sharkasi) management Department of Poultry Production Prof. Mohamed Farghly Alm El-Deen 2017
1643 Impact of Intercropping Egyptian Clover (Trifolium A. M. Ali1*, E. M. Shalaby2, E. A. Ali2 and S. T. Ibrahim1alexandrinum var Fahel) with Wheat on Water Use
Efficiency of Irrigation
Department of Agronomy Prof. El-Saadi Abdel-Hamid Ali Abdel-Mawla 2017
1644 Characteristics of Yoghurt Fortified With Black Cumin Honey Department of Dairy Science Prof. Fathy El-Sayed Awad El-Gazzar 2017
1645 Efficiency of single and multiple traits selection for yield and its components in varietal maintenence og Giza 90 Egyption cotton variety Department of Agronomy Prof. Ezzat El-Sayed Soliman Mahdy 2017
1646 Diagnosing Organizational Culture of Agricultural Extension Centers in Assiut Governorate Department of Rural Sociology and Agricultural Extension Prof. Mohamed Mohamed Mohamed Abdel-Ghany 2017
1647 QTL mapping for traits associated with drought tolerance and combined drought and heat tolerance in seedling winter wheat Department of Genetics Dr. Ahmed Sallam 2017
1648 Effect of Thinning Practices on Fruiting of Ruby Seedless Grapevine
تأثير طرز الخف علي إثمار العنب الروبي عديم البذور
Department of Pomology Dr. Alaa Abdel-Gaber Badawi Masood 2017
1649 Functional Peptides in Milk Whey An Overview Department of Dairy Science Prof. Adel Ali Tammam Ayoub 2017
1650 Influence of swimming time in alleviating the deleterious effects of hot summer on growing Muscovy duck performance Department of Poultry Production Prof. Mohamed Farghly Alm El-Deen 2017