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# Title Department Research Member Research Year
1781 Antioxidant and Antimutagenic Potential of Extracts of Some Agavaceae Family Plants Department of Floriculture Dr. Essam Yosef Abdul-Hafeez Abdel-ati 2016
1782 دراسة مصفوفة تحليل السياسات الزراعية لأهم محاصيل الحبوب الاستيرادية في مصر Department of Agricultural Economics Sayed Abd Elnasser Sayed Hassan 2016
1783 Authentication of Euphorbia peplus L. family Euphorbiaceae growing in Egypt using Finger Printing Department of Genetics Prof. Gamal Ibrahim Ahmed Mohamed 2016
1784 المردود الإقتصادي لتدوير المخلفات الزراعية في محافظة أسيوط Department of Agricultural Economics Prof. Ali Abdel-Jalil Issa 2016
1785 Greenhouse- grown Cucumber as an Alternative to Field Production and its Economic Feasibility in Aswan Governorate, Egypt Department of Agricultural Economics Prof. Yaser Abdel-Hamed `Abd El Radi Diab 2016
1786 دراسة مصفوفة تحليل السياسات الزراعية لأهم محاصيل الحبوب الاستيرادية في مصر Department of Agricultural Economics Prof. Galal Abdel-Fattah El-sagheer Eweidah 2016
1787 Molecular analysis of drought tolerance in guava based on in vitro PEG evaluation Department of Genetics Prof. El-Sayed NabawyEl-Sayed Hamed 2016
1788 Effect of some light manipulations on egg production performance of Fayoumi chickens Department of Poultry Production Prof. Mohamed Metwally Ahmed Hamed 2016
1789 Unique Efficacy of certain Novel Herbicides against Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) Larvae Mosquito under Laboratory Conditions Department of Plant Protection Prof. Mohamed Ahmed Ibrahim Ahmed 2016
1790 Evaluating interspecific wheat hybrids based on heat and drought stress tolerance Department of Genetics Prof. Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed Hassan 2016