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# Title Department Research Member Research Year
7731 Resistance of Triticum dicoccoides collected in Israel to infection with Puccinia recondita tritici. Department of Agronomy Prof. Mohamed Abdel-Moneim El-Morsidy 1985
7732 Effect of water salinity on the larvicidal efficacy of Bactimos (Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis) against Culex pipiens molestus larvae Department of Plant Protection Prof. Youssef Awad Darwish Younis 1985
7733 Effect of some cultural practices on quality and technological properties of lentil seeds. Department of Agronomy Prof. Hussein Mohamed Abdel-Rahim Salem Al ShAbo ri 1985
7734 The side effect of chlordane on arthropods associated with sand termite Department of Plant Protection Demo.Abdel-Moneim Maher Ali 1985
7735 Influence of roasting process on lipid, phospholipid components and fatty acid composition of coffee beans. Department of Food Science and Technology Prof. Mohamed Bahaa El-din Omar Mansour Nasr 1985
7736 The inheritance of seed yield and its components in sesame. Department of Agronomy Prof. Bahy Raghib Bakheit Alwafy 1985
7737 الزراعة التعاونية بين الإمكانات المصرية والتجربة المجرية Department of Agricultural Economics Prof. Magdy Mahfouz Ahmed Helal 1985
7738 Viability of mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata, Weid) eggs after the exposure to sub threshold temperature (Trypetidae-Diptera) Department of Plant Protection Prof. Mohamed Abo-elfadel Abdel-Hamid Moussa 1985
7739 Induction of week strain of tobacco mosaic virus by chemical mutagens and its possible use in controlling mosaic of tomato. Department of Plant Pathology Prof. Fikry Galal Mohammed Fahmy 1985
7740 Influence of roasting process on lipid, phospholipid components and fatty acid composition of coffee beans. Department of Food Science and Technology Prof. Mohamed Najib Ahmed Elrefi 1985