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# Title Department Research Member Research Year
9661 1- Ottinger, M. A., and M. A. Abdelnabi, (1997). Neuroendocrine system and avian system Differentiation. Am. Zool. 37:514-523. Department of Poultry Production Prof. Mahmoud Ali Abdelnabi Yussif 0
9662 Abo-Elnaga, I. G. (1971). Zur Charakterisierung der in Milch verbreiteten kochsalztoleranten Coliformen.Zb1. Bakter. II Abt. 126,566. Department of Dairy Science Prof. Ibrahim Gabr Abo El-Naga Metwali 0
9663 El-Gazzar, F.E. 1993. Effect of temperature, salt concentration and pH on growth of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in skim milk. Assiut Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24: 49-60. Department of Dairy Science Prof. Fathy El-Sayed Awad El-Gazzar 0
9664 Megahed, G.A; Daghash, H.A and Ismail, M.N. (1994). Changes in progesterone concentrations and some blood parameters in pregnant and non-pregnant Jersey cows. Proceeding of the 6th Scientific Conference, Faculty of Vet.Med, Assiut, Egypt, 20-22 November, Department of Animal Production Prof. Hassan Abdel-Ghany Hassan Daghash 0
9665 Abo-Elnaga, I. G. , Abdel-Mottaleb, L. and Abdel-Galil, H. (1976). Casein micelles in sterilized milk. Milchwissenschaft 31,289 - 293. Department of Dairy Science Prof. Ibrahim Gabr Abo El-Naga Metwali 0
9666 Kandler,O. , Abo-Elnaga, I. G. and Plapp, R. (1966). Neuere Gesichtspunkte zur Taxonomi der Laktobazillen der Milch und Milchiprodukte. XVII Internationaler Milchwirtschaftskongress B 439, 453. Department of Dairy Science Prof. Ibrahim Gabr Abo El-Naga Metwali 0
9667 Rusul, G., F.E. El-Gazzar, and E.H. Marth. 1986. Growth and aflatoxin production by A. parasiticus in a medium containing potassium chloride or a mixture of potassium chloride and sodium chloride. J. Food Prot. 49: 880-885. Department of Dairy Science Prof. Fathy El-Sayed Awad El-Gazzar 0
9668 Salem, I.A.; Allam, F.M., Darwish, A. and Daghash, H.A. (1982). Effect of stage of lactation and calving season on milk yield and milk constituents of buffaloes and Friesian in Upper Egypt. Assiut Journal of Agric. Vo. 13, No. 4: 55-68. Department of Animal Production Prof. Hassan Abdel-Ghany Hassan Daghash 0
9669 Abdel-Mottaleb, L. , Abo-Elnaga, I. G. and El-Gindi, S. M. (1972). In vivo effect of potassium nitrate and nisin on the activity of bacteria important in cheese. Assiut J. Agric. Sci.3,229-237, Assiut Univ. , Assiut, Egypt. Department of Dairy Science Prof. Ibrahim Gabr Abo El-Naga Metwali 0
9670 El-Gazzar, F.E. and E.H. Marth. 1989. Loss of viability of L. monocytogenes in commercial bovine-pepsin rennet extract. Food Research Institute meeting. Madison, WI. Department of Dairy Science Prof. Fathy El-Sayed Awad El-Gazzar 0