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# Title Department Research Member Research Year
7741 Effect of water salinity on the larvicidal efficacy of Bactimos (Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis) against Culex pipiens molestus larvae Department of Plant Protection Prof. Youssef Awad Darwish Younis 1985
7742 Effect of P and Fe applied through a subsurface irrigation system on the yield and elemental composition of certain crops . a . Soybean Department of Soils and Water Prof. Mohamed Fathy Ghoneim Mohamed 1984
7743 Suitability of five Lepidoptera host insects to the ectolarval parasitoid. Bracon brevicornis wesmael. Department of Plant Protection Prof. Sobhy Ahmed Hasan Temerak 1984
7744 1- دراسة تحليلية لدور المرأة الريفية فى اتخاذ القرارات الأسرية بقرية علوان بمحافظة أسيوط ، المؤتمر الدولى الثالث عشر للإحصاء والحسابات العلمية والبحوث الاجتماعية والسكانية Department of Rural Sociology and Agricultural Extension Prof. Samia Abdel-samee Hilal Abdel-Wahid Soliman hilal 1984
7745 Measuring the efficiency of human resources in extension work, Department of Rural Sociology and Agricultural Extension Prof. Bahgat Mohamed Abdel-Maksoud Youssif 1984
7746 Effect of wheat grain fumigation by ph3 and Cs2 on the physical and chemical properties of the grains and flour. Department of Agronomy Prof. Hussein Mohamed Abdel-Rahim Salem Al ShAbo ri 1984
7747 Electrophoritic investigation on buffalo’s milk proteins.I. Polymorphism of whey proteins. Department of Dairy Science Prof. Mohamed Attia Mohran 1984
7748 التصنيف الدخلى للأراضى الزراعية بمحافظة أسيوط Department of Agricultural Economics Prof. Ali Abdel-Jalil Issa 1984
7749 Studies on the effect of human chorionic gonadotrophin hormone ( HCG ) on the gonads of the Nile fish, Tilapia nilotica during the Spring season, 1- Ovarian morphology and gonadosomatic index. Department of Poultry Production Prof. Mohamed Nabil Issa Mahmoud Makled 1984
7750 Effect of P and Fe applied through subsurface irrigation system on the yield and elemental composition of certain crops. a. “Soybean” Department of Soils and Water Prof. Mohamed Fathy Ghoneim Mohamed 1984