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# Title Department Research Member Research Year
1171 Heterosis for seed yield and related traits in sunflower Department of Agronomy Prof. El-Sayed Abdel-Salam El-Sayed Mohamed Hasab Allah 2018
1172 Synergistic action of glyphosate on novel pesticides against Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes under laboratory conditions. Department of Plant Protection Prof.Dr. Ibrahim Abdel-Wahab Mohamed Mahmoud 2018
1173 Effect of Pre- and Post-harvest Treatments on Quality and Storability
of "Manfalouty" Pomegranates under Room Temperature
تأثير معاملات ما قبل وبعد الحصاد علي جودة وقابلية ثمار الرمان المنفلوطي للتخزين تحت
درجة حرارة الغرفة
Department of Pomology Prof. Farouk Mohamed Ahmed Mostafa 2018
1174 Effect of some Micro-nutrients, Silicon and GA3 Spraying on Yield and
Fruit Quality of Pomegranate
تأثير رش بعض العناصر والسيلكون وحمض الجبريليك علي إثمار أشجار الرمان المنفلوطي
Department of Pomology Dr. Eman Abdelhakeem Abdallah Abozaid 2018
1175 Phenotypic and molecular assessments of newly derived F4
recombinant lines of tomato
Department of Genetics Prof. Bahaa El-Din El-Sayed Abdel-Fattah Issa 2018
1176 Morphogenetic traits of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma for controlling certain date palms lepidopteran insect pests in the New Valley Governorate Department of Plant Protection Prof. Dr. Farouk Abdel- Kawi Abdel-Galil 2018
1177 Molecular markers and genetic variation revealed by RAPDPCR in seven cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) cultivars Department of Vegetables Dr. Ahmed Aboul-marf Mohamed Damarany 2018
1178 Genetic architecture of common bunt resistance in winter wheat using genomewide association study Department of Agronomy Prof. Ezzat El-Sayed Soliman Mahdy 2018
1179 Gene action and combining ability of cellular thermotolerance in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Department of Genetics Mohamed Mahmoud Hassib El-Defrawy 2018
1180 Hepato-morpholoy and biochemical studies on the liver of albino rats after exposure to glyphosate-Roundup® Department of Plant Protection Prof. Mohamed Ahmed Ibrahim Ahmed 2018