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Significant association of TNF and IL-6 gene with male infertility—Anexplorative study in Indian populations of Uttar Pradesh

Research Authors
Kamla Kant Shukla, Shalini Agnihotri, Abhishek Gupta,Abbas Ali Mahdi, Elsayed A. Mohamed, Satya Narain Sankhwar,Praveen Sharma
Research Abstract

tIn this study were aimed to identify the association of SNPs candidate genes of TNF- and IL-6 with hor-mones levels and sperm cells death in infertile subjects of Uttar Pradesh population in North India. Thestudy population comprised, fertile donor (control group) and infertile group patients i.e. normozoosper-mic (idiopathic unexplained), oligozoospermic and asthenozoospermic groups, with 260 subjects in eachgroup. Subjects were selected from the Departments of Urology, K.G’s Medical University and Urology,SGPGIMS, Lucknow, India. The allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and PCR-RFLP were usedto investigate the substitution of the guanine (G)-to-adenosine (A) at position-308 and guanine (G)-to-cytosine (C) at position-174 in the promoter regions of the TNF- and IL-6 genes, respectively. Furthertheir relation to male fertility and sperm function were also investigated. It was found that the substi-tution levels from G to A and from G to C in the TNF- and IL-6 genes, respectively, were significantlyhigher in the infertile subjects as compared to that of control group. The apoptosis and necrosis lev-els were also higher in oligozoospermic and asthenozoospermic infertile subjects. Further it was foundto be associated with increased level of reactive oxygen species as observed in oligozoospermic andasthenozoospermic subjects. However, a significant decrease in testosterone and luteinizing hormonewith increased prolactin and follicle stimulating hormones was observed in infertile subjects. The studypopulations indicating a strong association between TNF- G-308A and IL-6 G-174C substitution withinfertile men which is further supported by allele and genotype meta-analysis and thus established it asa risk factor.

Research Department
Research Journal
Immunology Letters
Research Rank
Research Year
Research Pages
PP.30 – 37