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Some Factors Affecting Venom Productivity by Electrical Impulses From Honey Bee Colonies

Research Authors
Mohamed M. Khodairy, Mostafa H. Hussein, Alaam A. Nafady and Eslam M. O.
Research Abstract

To improve the amount of dry bee venom extracts from honey bee colonies by electrical impulses, some factors affecting venom extraction were tested in the apiary of Agriculture Faculty, Assiut University during 2008 and 2009 seasons. Results revealed that the scarcity of bee bread stored in honey bee colonies reduced significantly amount of dry bee venom extracted by 50.3% in comparison with the bee bread sufficiency. When honey bee colonies were provided by supplementary feeding, the venom production decreased only by 41.76%.Venom quantities collected from aggressiveness colonies in comparison with the calm one was relatively inferior. The venom production correlated negatively with the aggressiveness behavior of colony because the honey bee workers stingers were unstable on the collection boards at the high aggressive degree. Using venom collection boards over the colony frams produced 93.22 mg/colony with a significant increment (37.41%) of dry bee venom compared with the position at hive entrance.

Research Department
Research Journal
The 4th Conference of Young Sci-entists Fac. of Agric. Assiut Univ.
Research Rank
Research Vol
41, (2)
Research Year
Research Pages
(196 -206)