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Survey and Population Density of Some Ectopara-sites Associated with Rodents in Animal Production Farm, Assiut University

Research Authors
Abdel Monem M. Ali, Khalifa H. Abdel Gawad, Alaam A. Nafady and Abdel ALeem S.S. Desoky
Research Abstract

The present study was carried out at animal production farm, Assiut University during the period of 2007 to 2009.Two dominant species of rodent were included in the study, white bellied rat, Rattus rattus frugivorus and grey rat, Rattus rattus alexandrinus with den-sity of 69.16% and 30.84%. The rodent ectoparasites were found to be fleas, lice, ticks and mites. The dominant spe-cies of fleas were the oriental rat flea, Xenopsylla cheopis and the human flea, Pulex irri-tans. The highest average den-sities of ectoparasites associ-ated with white bellied rat were observed in autumn and spring by 34.08% and 27.99%, and the lowest one was ob-served in winter by 15.62%. The highest average densities of ectoparasites associated with grey bellied rat were ob-served during spring and summer seasons by 40.96% and 27.39% and the lowest one during winter by 9.58%. In both species of rodent fe-males exibibited higher num-bers of ectoparasites because of females are larger and less active than males.

Research Department
Research Journal
The 4th Conference of Young Sci-entists Fac. of Agric. Assiut Univ.
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