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Transmission of bean Yellow Mosaic Virus in relation to Aphid species (Homoptera: Aphididae)

Research Authors
El-Werdany, Ahmed.; Nesreen Mohamed Fahmy Abou-Ghadir;
Abdel Raaouf, Osama.; Mahmoud, Sabry
Research Abstract

Experiments were carried out to determine the periods of acquisition, latent period, inoculation and retention of bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) when transmitted by the green peach aphid. Trials were set up with broad bean plants, and the method of indirect-ELISA was used to determine the latent carriers of the virus. Even a single viruliferous aphid was capable of transmitting the virus. However, the maximum transmission was obtained when 10 aphids per plant were employed. It was stablished
that after acquisition of BYMV, Myzus persicae remains short time. The optimal period for acquisition of BYMV by the green peach aphid is determined to be 48 hours, and the minimal is 45 minutes. The optimal latent period of the virus in the vector for inoculation of BYMV by the green peach aphid is 48 hours and the minimal is 20 minutes

Research Department
Research Journal
Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture and food
Research Publisher
Info Invest Ltd Bulgaria
Research Rank
Research Vol
1 (3)
Research Website
Research Year
Research Pages