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The Recruitment of Multimedia in the Egyptian Electronic Newspapers Sites By Applying to the 2015 Parliamentary Elections

تاريخ البحث
قسم البحث
مؤلف البحث
المجلة العلمية لكلية الآداب - جامعة أسيوط
المشارك في البحث
كلية الآداب - جامعة أسيوط
عدد البحث
سنة البحث
صفحات البحث
286- 350
ملخص البحث

The study aimed to investigate how the electronic media used their websites to cover the Egyptian parliamentary elections in 2015 to determine the direction of this coverage towards the electoral process, and to identify the objectives of this process and the techniques used with these media. According to this, the researcher monitored and analyzed the multimedia of a group of press sites that represents discrepancies in the political and journalistic map in Egypt: Al-Ahram Newspaper, Al-Wafd Newspaper, and Al-Youm 7 Newspaper. This study is based on a descriptive research and a content analysis of 784 multimedia items (electronic text, digital photographs, video, audio, and other elements) used by the press sites to cover the parliamentary elections (second phase) during the period from 20/11/2015 to 4/12/2015 for 15 days. The study found that the site of Al-Youm 7 is the most widely used sites of multimedia. In addition, the site of Al-Youm 7 ranked the first of the study sites used for video viewers. The study found that the coverage of multimedia sites in the parliamentary elections relied on traditional follow-up, and did not use new forms such as debates, or a platform for candidates to deliver their messages to voters. The political line of the press site forms the coverage, reflected in the use of multimedia to cover the elections.