Master of the researcher / narrator lifted Abbas as the sixth as of 19.12.2017Department Council approved psychology at the request of the D / Mr. Kamal feather it extended recording masters of the researcher / narrator lifted period of Abbas as the sixth as of 12.19.2017 in order to complete the message and make the required amendments and review entitled (perfectionism and its relationship with the concept of self and body image among a sample of talented teenagers) under the supervision of:D / Sergeant Ahmed Abdul Behairy - a psychology professor at the Faculty of Education in AssiutD / Mr. Kamal feather - Professor and Chairman, Department of Psychology, Faculty of etiquette Assiut
Council of the psychology department approves the request from the D / Mr. Kamal feather it extended recording masters of the researcher / narrator lifted period of Abbas as the sixth as of 12.19.2017
Faculty of Arts
Assiut University